What silhouettes talk about 2シルエットの語りごと2

シルエットの語りごと2 ~私たちの身体にねむるもの~


人類は共通の五感体験を持っています。オノマトペ/ 擬音語や擬態語はほぼ共通の感覚であり、気配や空気を人は敏感に感じています。また、言葉をかわすことでかえって見えなくなる本当の部分、言い過ぎたりわかりすぎたりして起こるすれ違い、、もし 私たちに言葉が存在しなかったら? もっとプリミティブな感覚で動いていたら? そして、昨今のコミュニケーションツールとして登場した絵文字やスタンプで交信するときの、あのシンプルで余韻のある感覚。そんな体験を改めて創作してみたくて、フォルムを描き始めました。


What silhouettes talk about 2 The potential that lies within our bodies

This project was developed from the Silhouette Series released in 2014, and has now evolved into a more abstract form.It was originally motivated by the desire to discover whether communication could be achieved through a more abstract form as an alternative to words, an attempt to explore sensations prior to the emergence of language.

Humans experience the five common senses. Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are essentially shared by all mankind and people are highly sensitive to the signs and atmosphere around them. Language exchange can in fact mask the true essence of things, while saying or knowing too much can give rise to misunderstandings. What if we were to live in a world without language where people operated based on more primitive sensations? The sensations experienced when communicating via the more recent communication tools of Emoji and stickers are simple and easy to connect with. It is this experience that I have attempted to recreate, leading to the emergence of this new form.

I would love to be able to communicate with someone on the level of a two-year-old! Alternatively, I would love to develop my senses on a more primitive level and view the world through the eyes of a dolphin, a lizard, an insect, or even as "Jimmy" the cat, Gabriyollyi's hero.

Art Exhibition in Hong Kong
2/16-18 2017 1:00 pm-7:00 pm
Kahori Maki x Gabriyolly
Venue Above Second


Special Exhibition
2/17-3/17 11:oo am-8:oo pm
Venue Design PMQ
