Appleなど国内外で数多くのコラボレーションを手がけるグラフィックアーティスト牧かほりによる作家初のアナログオンリーの作品展「Where is the Alice? ーアリスはどこに?」を開催します。
アップルやAdobe Systems inc.とのコラボレーションも手がけるなど、これまで全ての作品をデジタルフィニッシュしてきた牧が、いわば解像度の低い鉛筆のドローイングで新しい世界を見つけ出したことは示唆に富ます。
Maki Kahori is a graphic artist whose work is centered on "products, spaces, and words that emerge from a single picture," and she is involved in advertising, textiles for fashion and sports brands, and space design for corporations and luxury hotels. He is a graphic artist who works on advertising, textiles for fashion and sports brands, and space design for corporations and luxury hotels.
Maki is known for his vivid style, reminiscent of large flowers blooming in the tropics, which invigorates the viewer's cells. What triggered this exhibition was the state of emergency that was intermittently declared two years ago. With no art supplies and no printing shop, he had to work only with what he had in his studio, and he continued to make drawings with pencil on a large amount of craft paper that he had on hand.
Like many people, he was anxious about not being able to go outside, but as he simply moved his hands, the layers of curves that emerged. The overlapping lines made her "more conscious of people's eyes and pupils, which I had never drawn before, and I naturally began to draw more living creatures and other such things," she says. This led him to want to unravel the world of "Alice in Wonderland," which he once worked on as a theme but never completed, and that was the impetus for this exhibition.
In addition to works drawn over the past two years and newly created for this exhibition, the exhibition also features a wall painting work that uses an entire wall of the gallery for direct drawing during the setup of the venue. These approximately 30 works depict birds and rabbits that seem to escape from Maki's characteristic curves, as well as things that no one knows, but that seem to exist somewhere. Maki is a prolific spatial designer who also specializes in installations in which he creates pictures out of space, and his works are sure to immerse the viewer in a wonderland.
We feel ourselves slipping unexpectedly into an absurd world. Can Alice's world, where every place she goes is a strange place and everyone she meets is full of animals that say and do incomprehensible things, be considered a virtual world? The metaverse is a virtual space that is currently attracting a lot of attention. From there, the real world is less efficient and progress is slower. Where are we, who look into both of them, and where are we headed?
It is suggestive that Maki, who has collaborated with Apple and Adobe Systems inc. and has finished all his works digitally, so to speak, has found a new world with low-resolution pencil drawings.
We are still in a world of chaos. I want people to have a will, to surrender, and to find fun, richness, and possibility in the overlapping lines," says Maki. Please enjoy the immersive experience of following the lines of her drawings and arriving at a new world.
Kenichiro Honda
会期 : 5月20日(金) ~ 5月25日(水)
会場 : YUGEN Gallery
住所 : 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-12-19 東建インターナショナルビル3F
開館時間 : 平日14:00 ~ 13:00 土日 14:00 ~ 19:00
Dates : Friday, May 20 ~ Wednesday, May 25
Venue : YUGEN Gallery
Address : Token International Bldg. 3F, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Hours : Weekdays 14:00 ~ 13:00, Saturdays and Sundays 14:00 ~ 19:00