I walked into Kamakura Forest.
Really, it should be called a “mountain”, perhaps, but maybe due to the overwhelmingly shiny light from the midsummer sun; strangely, I saw every single element as an entity of its own – leaves, branches, flowers, rocks, moss, or even the fluctuation of the light. Instead of seeing a “whole”, I first perceived each individual part. Every one of these parts overlaps and comes together to form a “forest”. I suppose, to really see and experience this as a “mountain”, I would have to wait for the cooler season to come and climb it for myself.
All these unique pieces of leaves gather together in innumerable numbers to form one collective body. It is magnificent. Looking closely at the leaves, I noticed that a lot of them have been eaten by bugs, and even the famous hydrangea flowers have ended their flowering season and are looking sick. “At this rate, is this place going to be okay next year…?” I thought to myself.
A forest undisturbed by human activities is surprisingly (or rather, obviously!) a narrative of the survival of the fittest. It tells the story of preying and to be preyed on. Inadvertently, I think more of the pieces that have been eaten and preyed on. These pieces enter the bodies of some animal in the forest and turn into invisible energy to empower the predator to course through the woods. Or perhaps they get tossed around in the wind and end up somewhere decayed, aged, and in turn reborn to become part of a new green shoot the next season.
At the same time, I inadvertently thought:
Us humans exist as a part of the earth. So many thoughtless and selfish actions… But when we look at things from a broader perspective, all actions are but part of a cycle. However, is that the kind of cycle we are aiming for? Is each and every one of us living like this forest, exuding charming and magnificent vitality? As I was pondering these, I noticed words of the same content written and displayed within the precinct of Shogakuji Temple.
Imagining the whereabouts of the missing pieces of leaves that were eaten was a fun activity amidst the long hours of drawing and sketching. I want to hide that fun and enjoyment beneath this “Lid”.
The “Lid” could be interpreted as the physical lids of the vessels created by artist Kaoru Takagi, or it could also be interpreted as the entrance to the exhibition venue’s old residence. Or perhaps it could be the moment you get off the train at North Kamakura station, or even perhaps you never found the “Lid” at all. Whichever situation it may be, the moment the adventures surrounding the “Lid” begins, I hope our human imagination will expand and overflow in unexpected directions.
翻訳:Translation/ Yi Jing